A lot of riders ask me how to begin achieving a good contact, it’s one of the many mysteries of riding, alongside the half halt.
Good contact can be particularly difficult to describe, but when you get it, you know!
For the rider there are many factors involved to create contact and connection, a good hand position is crucial, supple arms and bent elbows, a supple lower back and an awareness of self carriage in the rider, good central weight in the saddle, not a slumped heavy seat or the horse will struggle to lift their back.
For the horse to offer connection and self carriage they also have to be supple through their body, have good rhythm, be balanced, forward and be happy with their bit to offer this without evasions.
When the horse is in a good contact and self carriage they will have a rounder frame (outline), a soft jaw, where the back will lift, the neck is supple and lower, the hocks will flex further and the horse will be seeking your hands, this creates the energy from the hind legs as they step further under the body and the horse begins to use the large muscles to carry them selves and the rider with ease.
Once your horse becomes more established in connection, they will become more ‘on the aids’ where they will become more springy, responsive, supple and obedient and ready for the riders next request.
Some of the more common issues I see is riders with stiff hands and arms with very short reins, a heavy seat, rigid back and lack of lower leg. This sometimes happens in an attempt to force the horse to lower their head, and frustration often ensues for both. This rarely works as it creates a blocking feeling for the horse so, the horse will resist and use the muscles on the underside of the neck, and stiffen their backs and hocks giving a more jolty, stilted ride, you may also experience bit evasions as the horse feels it cannot travel forwards.
An unsuitable bit can also cause some of these issues as your horse can resist the contact if the bit is uncomfortable or perhaps too strong. In every consultation I assess the whole picture, the evasions your horse is exhibiting and how it affects their performance, rider goals, training level and conformation.
Some horses may need a bit that helps lift the neck, some may need to be more seeking towards the contact, some keener horses may require a completely different bit action to that of a snaffle, some may benefit from a quieter bit.
Whatever issues you are having, we can help. Please message for more information.
#equinebittingsolutions. Creating Harmony and Connection With Your Horse.