Let’s talk about flash straps on nose bands.
If you use one, what is your reason for it?
The flash strap has been greatly abused over the last few years. I see so many bridles worn with overly tight flash straps, forcing the lips to bulge from underneath. The effect this can have on the horse can be very detrimental. Many believe a flash is used to keep the mouth closed, to prevent the tongue coming over the bit and prevent a crossed jaw. But this is not what it was designed for. The aim is to help give the bit stability in the mouth.
An over tight flash will cause much discomfort for the horse. It can inhibit oxygen intake by crushing the soft part of the nasal passages, which in turn reduces oxygen intake and lessens performance, it also prevents the horse from chewing and swallowing which can cause stress and anxiety and can cause sores inside and outside the mouth.
The horse needs to chew and lick to keep the jaw relaxed and create suppleness when being ridden. If the mouth is strapped shut this does not often happen, the horse will clamp its jaw either to force against the flash or brace the mouth shut. The jaw strength of a horse is around 500 psi, so to be ridden with that much pressure, unable to swallow or chew will create more stiffness and evasions.
If you are using a flash to prevent the tongue coming over the bit, you need to consider why your horse is doing it. It may be a sign of discomfort with the bit, too much tongue pressure, dental issues or a reaction to pain in the body.
Disturbing photos, but sadly this has become quite common.
Please consider the comfort of your horse when adjusting your nose band and flash strap.
If you are unsure about choosing an appropriate bit for you horse, book a consultation.
Bitting Advice/consultant/horse bits.
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