Bits, bits and more bits.
We are all very aware of how many different types and makes of bits are on the market today and it has become very confusing. Gone are the days of the simple snaffle for well behaved horses, a kimblewick for strong ponies and pelham for those rather keen, fit horses… those of a certain age will understand what the basic bits were.
As with everything horsey, times change, horse welfare has evolved and increased research has been carried out, progressive refinements achieved, us riders also expect more technical advances with our equipment.
Over recent years there have been many, many changes to bit design. Thankfully a lot of thought and research has gone into creating a more comfortable bit for the horse, not just about how to control the horse.
Bits now come in all different shapes, sizes and have different functions, with so many types on offer, can you be sure you have chosen the right one for your horse?
What may suit the horse in the next stable, may not necessarily be the right one for yours. There can be many factors involved such as mouth shape, level of training, how the horse reacts to the aids, the riders experience and the issues you are having as to what bit can help resolve the problems you are having.
Treat bit fitting as you would with any other professional equine services, you wouldn’t have just anyone fit your saddle or shoe your horse, it’s no different with selecting a bit.
Bit consultations available for February, covering the South East. Get your bit checked, make your horse happy.