It has been another busy week here at Equine Bitting Solutions, with consultations from Kent, to Essex, all the way to Milton Keynes! Whilst in Milton Keynes I met a lovely lady called Diana, and her super Irish boy Dudley. They compete in dressage and she needed to get Dudley settled in the contact and have smoother downward transitions so he didn’t lean on his forehand and onto the bit and also tilt Diana forward
After assessing Dudley, I changed his bit into something that would give Diana a lighter feel and to make him more ‘upward’ in his downward transitions, instead of going onto the forehand and making bending much easier and more supple. We worked on this throughout the session and Dudley became much lighter and more supple for Diana, and her position changed to a more upright angela so she could bring her shoulders back, and Dudley was a now a happy and willing participant in the schooling session. ❤️
First three photos show Dudley in his usual bit, a little above the contact and making Diana work quite hard, and leaning forward. The next three show Dudley just after the bit change working in a much nicer outline and giving Diana a much nice feel so she is now in a better riding position and they are much more balanced together. Such a huge change for both Diana and Dudley 😊